Wow effects for business
21 Feb 2019

Woll-Fühlen® Karin Berger
Your workshop meets our motto "colour your business" perfectly. They combine the economically useful with trends and lots of colour. What awaits the visitors of your workshop?
It is important for us as entrepreneurs to think about the economic components in addition to our creativity. I am currently still looking for the right material to be able to offer something very individual. Whether our knitting factory with colours and large needles to match the new trend "colour your business" is used to arouse interest as an exhibit in the shop window or the existing old stock is sold profitably, is decided individually. Parallel to knitting, the participants will definitely have the opportunity to talk to me about the economic aspects of business management in the creative sector.
Will you tell us a little about yourself? We read on your website that you are a designer, health trainer and HR manager - how do you reconcile all this?
I combine my entire spectrum of knowledge from my previous professional topics and fields of action and offer, among other things, concepts for the creative and textile industry in the area of corporate development, e.g. for sales optimization, for the (profitable) reduction of inventories and finding new marketplaces. I don't think there is anyone else in the field of corporate development who is so familiar with handicrafts, fashion, colours etc. and offers everything from a single source. I myself advise end customers in the specialist trade and have been on the road for 20 years in sales and field service. My work is my calling, because I can wonderfully combine the individual areas of responsibility and, depending on the "season", schedule and process them one after the other. Of course, a good organisation is also part of this diversity. At the moment I am working on distributing the sales to different trade partners.

Do you have a tip for our dealers how they can make trends usable for themselves?
My experience is that trends - related to the local specialist trade - are very dependent on the region and the people living there. What does the region in which I have my business or would like to open it offer? In addition, every entrepreneur should consider which type of customer he would like to attract: mass with cheap consumption or better class. I myself am not a friend of the masses. I bet on class, because less is sometimes more. Something different from what the customer gets everywhere often arouses interest. Accordingly, I prefer my own and individual trends. In workshops, I offer specialist dealers support in working out this "other".
In the online sector - especially in our industry - I believe that the "free download, discount and copy mentality" is the predominant attitude. We should not be surprised if our industry is losing more and more of its value. In the long run, no one can live on discounts and long return times. I therefore recommend trying out another new trend: Namely the appreciation of what we do and of our products. Products with value also give the industry more appreciation again, which pays off. We won't be able to avoid business on the Internet in the future. But every customer should give some thought to the effects of online trading. Just imagine a future in which there are cities without trade and without shopping flair, e.g. your next holiday resort without shopping possibilities and without gastronomy.