h+h cologne: 07.–09.03.2025 #hhcologne

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International trade fair for handicrafts & hobbies

h+h cologne, the leading international trade fair for handicrafts and hobbies, has come to a successful close. The days were characterised by lots of creativity and communication. From 22 to 24 March 2024, the industry's most important minds came together in Cologne to discuss the latest collections, trends and services relating to knitting, crochet, sewing, embroidery and handicrafts.

In addition to numerous product innovations, trade visitors were also offered an exciting event programme dedicated to the key theme of "Creative Empowerment". The focus was clearly on the needs of the specialised trade, such as the digital challenges for your own business. The h+h cologne provides the ideal network and the right content for gaining and sharing knowledge - for greater competitiveness and future viability in the handicraft industry.

Read final report



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Register now as an exhibitor for h+h cologne 2025 and secure your stand at the leading international trade fair for handicrafts & hobbies.

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This was h+h cologne 2024

300 exhibitors from 40 countries, around 12,000 trade visitors from 78 countries, numerous talks and workshops on the topic of #CreativeEmpowerment.

Watch the recap video
h+h americas

Expand your market opportunities to North America!

Join our h+h americas platform for the North American Handicraft Industry, now also including hobby, craft and artists‘ supplies.

Learn more about our show taking place near Chicago from 1 - 3 May 2024!

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