h+h cologne: 07.–09.03.2025 #hhcologne

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10 totsichere Rezepte, wie du dein Digitalisierungsprojekt zum Scheitern bringst | Event on the h+h cologne 2025

10 sure-fire ways of making sure your digitalisation project fails

from Koelnmesse Events
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Talk Zone, Marketing & Technology
Talk Zone, Hall 11.3, Booth D029/E030

The event

Digitalisation is considered to be the key to success - but how is a digitalisation project guaranteed to be heading for disaster? The trade expert, Frank Rehme, will reveal in his humorous 30-minute lecture at h+h cologne 2025 the biggest stumbling blocks and typical mistakes that are guaranteed to make every project fail. Get to know the common blunders and misunderstandings that lead to the failure of many projects and gain valuable tips of how to successfully overcome these obstacles in practice. A must for everyone, who views the digitalisation critically and yet strives for long-term success.


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